Thursday, November 8, 2018

News Stuff: Mic Grabbed From CNN Reporter - My Thoughts

I normally don't like to talk about politics especially at a time where everyone is so angry towards one another and sometimes violent. I do however need to get my thoughts out sometimes and it's better for a blog instead of several tweets. 

I didn't watch the conference that just happened but I did see it on different news medias. Everyone is always willing to choose sides and argue who is right and who is wrong (in any of these issues) but it seems like nobody is in the middle.

In my opinion, both the CNN reporter Jim Acosta and Trump are wrong. I don't know how many questions he already asked or tried to ask. I do know that if someone asks you to stop talking and enough questions, you stop especially if it's the president. I don't care if one doesn't have respect for the president, you need to stop. He also should have let the white house aid take the mic. She was so uncomfortable and didn't know what else to do. Although, she also should have tried to get the mic from Jim in a nicer way. It was just rude and disrespectful of Jim to behave in this manner. I realize he was trying to do his job but sometimes a reporter will be shut down and at some point you need to leave it alone. Also, where in the hell was security and why didn't they step in to say enough?

As for Trump, he was disrespectful as well. All he does is talk mean and rude to people even if he has a right to shut someone down. The way he does it is so disrespectful and he also needs to handle things differently as the president of our country. Trump does have the right to refuse to answer a question and to tell someone they need to stop but there are better ways to handle it. I've never seen so much circus and playground antics (from both sides) until Trump came into office. It's sad and disgraceful. So much hate from both sides going around.

Nobody is fully right nor wrong. It's how things are being handled that makes BOTH sides wrong but for different reasons. I get so tired of all the drama, blame, playground behavior, the disrespect and bullying that is going around. Everyone is so quick to blame the other side, show their hate and anger towards one another.

As adults, we should be a lot better than this and show our kids how to be respectful human beings even if we hate someone or disagree. Why is it so hard to see this? Why is it so hard to show respect to someone even if there is hate? We want to stop kids from being bullies and yet as adults we are no better by doing the same thing. Bottom line, I think both sides were wrong and everyone just needs to behave better.

Abortion/Women's Rights/Human Rights

  I really don't like blogging about sensitive subjects that much because it can get messy but I need to express my emotions, my voice o...