Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Baby It's Cold Outside and Other Controversy's

My God I don't even know where to start with this. So much is going through my head about these things that people have been talking about.

I guess I will start with the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving since it's the shortest. Some people were/are in an uproar that the black kid is sitting all alone on one side of the dinner table while all the white kids are sitting on the other side. To be honest, I don't know the real reason why it was drawn that way and nobody should speculate as to why without finding out the real truth.It was a very long time ago and during that time it was more excepted to show something like that. The cartoon shouldn't be pulled off the air, it's a classic and we should appreciate it for what it is and realize we have come a long way , be proud of that. Bottom line, we just don't know the REAL reason behind it so stop making up something and assuming.

Now for Rudolph. Yes I will admit that this cartoon shows teasing, bullying even from Santa and sexism. But I also see Rudolph refusing to change for others and to except himself for who he is. I see him proving to the others that they need to look beyond his deformity and to except him for who he is. In the end, that reindeer kicked ass and THAT is what we and kids should be taking away from this. To love yourself and show others to look beyond the thing that is "causing" others to be assholes. In order to tell a story about someone over coming something bad and to put out a good message from it, you need to show the bad. I think Rudolph teaches kids the positive things in this story and I think people need to leave this classic story alone.

Now for the bigger one. On the surface, the song 'Baby it's cold outside' does seem to sound like the guy is trying to force the girl to stay with him and coming up with every reason in the book to convince her to stay when she really doesn't want to. I can also see how this can trigger some people especially if they have gone through abuse or rape. I will be talking about the other half that likes to nitpick at things to find something wrong with it. 

If one was to REALLY listen to the song, it is easy to tell that it is far from a rape song. All one has to do is look up the lyrics on line, read it and understand what is really being said. I will break it down starting with the first part of the song:

"I really can't stay (baby it's cold outside)
I gotta go away (baby it's cold outside)
This evening has been (been hoping you'd drop in)
So very nice (I'll hold your hands they're just like ice)
My mother will start to worry (beautiful what's your hurry)
My father will be pacing the floor (listen to the fireplace roar)
So really I'd better scurry (beautiful please don't hurry)
Well maybe just a half a drink more (I'll put some records on will I pour)"

It's clear she is enjoying herself and doesn't want to leave. She just doesn't want her parents to worry. He is simply trying to reassure her everything will be fine and that's it's cold out.

"The neighbors might think (baby it's bad out there)
Say what's in this drink (no cabs to be had out there)
I wish I knew how (your eyes are like starlight now)
To break this spell (I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell)(why thank you)
I ought to say no, non, no sir (mind if I move in closer)
At least I'm gonna say I tried (what's the sense of hurtin' my pride)
I really can't stay (baby don't hold out)
Baby it's cold outside"

She is now concerned what others will think. The part where she says "what's in this drink" is being takin' way too far. They didn't have date rape drugs back then and I am sure slipping something in a drink wasn't a thing back then either. Having the me too movement on people's brain is making them automatically jumping the gun here. She obviously really likes the guy and wants to stay but feels like she can't for fear what others might think. He is simply trying to let her know she doesn't need to be so concerned about what others think.

"Ah, you're very pushy you know
I like to think of it as opportunistic

I simply must go (baby it's cold outside)
The answer is no (but baby it's cold outside)
The welcome has been (how lucky that you dropped in)
So nice and warm (look out the window at that storm)
My sister will be suspicious (gosh your lips look delicious)
My brother will be there at the door (waves upon a tropical shore)
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious (gosh your lips look delicious)
Well maybe just a cigarette more (never such a blizzard before) (and I don't even smoke)"

The first two lines are just them flirting with each other. Now she is concerned what her sister will think, her brother would "kill" her if she was late or didn't show up that night and her aunt would go overboard with her thoughts and probably spread rumors. She really shouldn't stay but she keeps finding reasons to stay. He is just trying to let her know that what others think isn't a big deal and apparently it's really bad outside and possibly too dangerous to drive which says he is also concerned for her safety.

"I've got to get home (baby you'll freeze out there)
Say, lend me your coat (It's up to your knees out there)
You've really been grand (I feel when I touch your hand)
But don't you see (how can you do this thing to me)
There's bound to be talk tomorrow (think of my life long sorrow)
At least there will be plenty implied (if you caught pneumonia and died)
I really can't stay (get over that old out)
Baby it's cold
Baby it's cold outside
okay fine just another drink then"

It's very obvious that she is very worried about what others would say and think and that is the only reason why she wants to go. Finally she gives in her to her feelings for him and decides to stay. He is obvious concerned for her safety and is really enjoying her company. This song is very innocent and if you think about the time it was written, you can understand the song even better. 

This song has nothing to do with rape or anything close to it. I am so tired of this day and age, people are being so sensitive about things and read too much into things. There are a lot worse songs out there that are all over the radio and yet they get played all the time. We need to use our time and energy towards more important things that are going on in the world instead of worrying about an innocent song and classic cartoons that are not as bad as it seems.

Taking the song off the radio is pure censorship and that is a VERY dangerous road to cross. This is where it starts. What we need to be doing is fighting against these things from happening and demand that this song gets put back on the radio and to leave other classic things alone. Just enjoy the freakin' holidays and give to those who need help instead of being so damn sensitive about every little thing to where it starts fringing on our rights. We don't need other people to tell us what we should and shouldn't listen to or watch.

If one doesn't like the song/cartoons and/or it triggers them, that's fine; songs, cartoons etc are not going to be liked by everyone and that's okay. What is wrong is trying to force opinions down others throats and just because one or a few think a song/cartoon is wrong, it doesn't mean those things should be censored and removed to where no one can enjoy them. It will start with a song, then a cartoon then lord knows what else. Pretty soon what we hear, watch or read will be so heavily watched and will be controlled. We will loose our freedoms. That is a VERY scary thought and we need to make sure that NEVER happens. 

It seems like in some ways our world is improving and in other ways, things are getting worse. I really hope next year is the year that we start to put a stop to all this crazy non-sense sensitive crap. I hope we can truly understand what is being said, done, watched and focus on more important issues at hand. It's scary to think what will happen if this continues and gets worse. Us people obviously have a voice, we use it all the time on the net even when it's being an ass; so we need to use our voices for good and nip this craziness in the butt before it becomes something that we can't control anymore. This is how I'm using mine. 

The me too movement is important but we can't use that as an excuse for everything and to stop innocent things. Racism is also very important and we should be careful how we approach things BUT at the same time, we need to not over due it and claim that everything is racist etc. The net is a powerful tool, let's use it for good and calm down about everything. Please, for the loved of God before we will destroy ourselves and our freedoms.

Abortion/Women's Rights/Human Rights

  I really don't like blogging about sensitive subjects that much because it can get messy but I need to express my emotions, my voice o...