Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Schools: Sex Education, Should It Be Taught?

This debate has been going on for awhile. My question is why? Why is this generation so sensitive to everything and feel like they need to complain and fight things they don't like?

I went to high school in the 80's. When I got to the 10th grade, we had to take a sex education class. If I remember correctly, we had to take home a consent form so our parents could sign it if they were okay with their child being in that class. This should happen today if it doesn't instead of a group of people trying to take something away from everyone.

Some say that sex should be taught at home. Well, not every parent teaches their kid(s) about sex nor do so in the right way. If it's a class, they get all the information they need and then some. If a child has questions afterwards, then they can go to their parents. Also, some kids don't feel comfortable talking about it with their parents and would rather go to another trusted adult. I would rather my kid learn it from me or a teacher than from "the streets" were they can get wrong information.

I'm not sure what grade this class starts these days but I think certain levels should be taught in different grades starting with 8th. It can just be more about the changes teens go through (not just the obvious body ones), about relationships, abuse in relationships, self body image etc. Have it be more of an intense, deep health class. I hope by this age they know about sex and what changes are already happening to them.

As the kid gets into higher grades, that's when it can get into actual sex, pregnancy, sexual diseases etc. I just don't understand why this is becoming an issue. The teacher's belief's about birth control etc, needs to stay out of the classroom and just give the kids the information they need. If a child is too embarrassed, they don't have to speak up. The teachers should also teach about bullying even though it's not a sex thing (it can be though) and talk about peer pressure, drugs/rape drugs and rape.

The name should be changed from sex education to just health and talk about everything that has to with one's body, relationships etc. Basically, schools should go back to having health classes and each grade level is taught something different. First aid should also be taught in this class because everyone should have some kind of knowledge of what to do in a life emergency. If it has to do with your body, it needs to be taught in class and not just at home.

I'm also seeing a debate about having LGTB relationships talked about in school. I say why not, it's apart of relationships, sex and the body. The teacher(s) again shouldn't talk about their beliefs or how it's wrong or right. A part of STD talks has to do also with same sex partners and that is very important to talk about. The teacher(s) will not be there to glorify it or say it's wrong, they will be there to say that there are all these different types of relationships and feelings one can get. I realize some people think being gay etc is wrong and that is why it shouldn't be taught but kids are going to know that it is out there AND is a part of life in the world so they NEED to be educated on it without trying to have their beliefs infringed upon.

Sometimes it amazes me that in the year 2019, we are still living in the dark ages with certain things. Does it really take us this long to evolve into better humans? A group of people should never tell others what is right or wrong for them and their family. This is exactly what is going on and it's pretty sad. Kids need a better education on their bodies and health especially since they get the wrong information from their peers, on-line and the media. It is BOTH the parents and school's job to educate them on these kinds of things. Schools isn't just about learning math and English, it's about learning things about life in general. So I think people need to get off their high horse and let sex education/health be taught in schools along with all types of relationships. Let's start giving our kids what they need to succeed in life and stop trying to shield them from important life things that they will and do know about.

Abortion/Women's Rights/Human Rights

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