Saturday, June 25, 2022

Abortion/Women's Rights/Human Rights

 I really don't like blogging about sensitive subjects that much because it can get messy but I need to express my emotions, my voice on this. It's just too important not to. If you choose to leave a comment, please keep it civil, we're all humans with different beliefs.

So I will start of by saying, I personally wouldn't get an abortion unless it was for a medical reason. I can no longer have kids. I am not here to bash people's beliefs in anything. I am very angry, frustrated, disgusted, disappointed and scared for the future of the USA.

My mind is racing with so much right now. We all have heard by now that the supreme court over turned Roe vs Wade and has let each state make their own laws on abortion. I do understand that this doesn't ban it and just makes it  to where each state can make their own laws about it but it's  still a VERY dangerous slope for different reasons.

By doing this, that means there is no protection what so ever for women or anybody for that matter. States can now put in any law regarding abortion no matter how strict or not they make it, there is NOTHING and NOBODY to say that they have stepped too far and for them to not make the law. Only the people can say something but at this point we are just noise to them. This is why it's dangerous. If you get someone in office who is power hungry, highly religious, etc etc, they can now do whatever the hell they want. Think of a really horrific cult leader running a country, yeah it can be that ugly. The supreme court is supposed to be there to help protect the citizens from crazy people messing with basic human rights. They have failed us in this, it's sad.

I get that there is nothing specific in the constitution about abortion but 1 - it wasn't a big thing back when it was written, 2 - the world has changed a lot since then and things need to be adjusted, 3 - things like the constitution was made to help protect everyone and to be tweaked a tad to match with today's times. Yet the supreme court has failed us.

The people in charge of this country are not supposed to mix church and state, yet they are 1000% doing this! They may not come out and mention their religion or their God but we are not stupid. We know that they all think it's against their religion and beliefs. When in the hell is someone in power going to stop making laws based on their damn religion/beliefs and make laws what is best for ALL people of the country? WHEN?? Since the supreme court has over turned the abortion law, they can easily over turn other basic human right laws and have each state be in control of them. Again this is VERY dangerous for the same reasons stated above. You know as well as I do politicians will make inhuman laws and nobody will be able to stop them!

The people in power are no longer making laws for us, they are making laws for themselves. They are taking their religion beliefs and making sure everyone follows the same way. This is disgusting controlling behavior. Not everyone believes in the same religion nor believe in the same things even if it's the same religion. Not everyone believes in a God. We have the freedom of religion but the laws being made are from one religion only! The people in charge of our fucking lives are making sure that no matter what we believe, we have to follow their religion "rules". Please don't tell me that we need to get back to where this country was founded on because the Indians were here long before the white man! The white man came and took over pushing them out of the way! This country was not founded on religion either because it clearly says not to mix religion and state, the white man brought over their religion and made it apart of their life and tried to make it apart of everyone else! 

Just because one person thinks something is wrong and against God, doesn't mean that should be forced on everyone else, that it's the right way to live and everyone needs to follow the same! Nobody's religion is wrong or right! Laws need to be stopped being based on one fucking religion. Plus, people all the time take their religion and twist things into what they believe to be the word of God. This could easily turn into a religion topic so I'm backing away for now on that because this blog is more about abortion and other human rights laws.

There are so many things that makes this anti-abortion law dangerous, here we go. This will NOT stop abortions. I guess these politicians don't know their fucking history. Women will just go back to doing it themselves in different ways, remember the coat hanger method? If not, look it up. More babies will be left abandoned. More babies will be abused. More babies will be born with issues because of the mother being addicted to drugs. Our foster care system is over crowded with kids not being adopted out and being uncared for. They are not being supported especially when they turn 18. There are way too many people on this planet as it is, we are not running out of people. Having too many people means more issues like mental illness, homeless, more people struggling and sometimes suffering. 

If a woman is raped, she would have to carry it to full term. That can be VERY traumatic for the woman to go through and is torture. If a kid is raped even by her own father, she will have to carry the baby. Do you even understand how this will damage the kid! Their little bodies could be damaged from it on top of everything else! It's so disgusting to put a kid through that! If a woman has a miscarriage, she will have to keep the dead baby inside, this is fucking insane! If the baby is dead, what does it matter if it's taken out? This will cause the woman to become septic which could easily kill her! So now she will have to die just because she had to keep her dead baby inside?! UGH!

If there is complications during delivery and the mother will die or both, she will have to just die? Doesn't make sense one bit. If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, she will now have to die because nothing can be removed! Do these people even understand what an ectopic pregnancy is? Let me explain. An ectopic pregnancy is when the clump of cells (yes, CELLS and NOT an actual human baby) gets stuck while going down to the uterus or somewhere else they are not supposed to be. When this happens, the cells have no room to grow into an actual human so the fallopian tube burst IMMEDIATELY killing the cells and causing eternal bleeding in the mom. At this time there is nothing left of the cells. Now the woman needs an emergency operation so the doctors and stop the bleeding, tie off the tube that burst and clean everything up. Then the woman needs a blood transfusion. This is a very traumatic situation for her. So now with the new laws, the woman has to die because the doctors can't go in to stop the bleeding even though there is no baby or cells left! DIE WHEN SHE DOESN'T HAVE TO! Seriously? What kind of fucked up shit is that?

About women who have their eggs frozen. They don't want to have all those babies but need to keep the eggs in case a few don't work. But now they might have to keep/use all of them. Really people? 

How about after the kid is born. Bills are sky high to have a kid and yet unlike some countries, women still have to pay here in the US. They are lucky to get maternity leave, child care while they go to work is unaffordable. Raising a kid is super expensive and right now there is a shortage of formula so babies have a hard time eating and that issue isn't being fixed. What about child abuse? SO many kids are being abused but nobody helps them. So many kids go hungry but nobody helps. Kids are being bullied to where some commit suicide or go on a mass shooting spree. Then there is mass shootings, nobody is trying to fix that situation. Now I know all of these things will always be around and they can't be fully stop even with the best of laws in place, as long as there are people, these things will happen. But we can take steps to minimize these things from happening. Oh also, schools suck ass with a fucking straw and nobody is fixing those issues. So basically people in government are willing to make sure kids are born but do fucking shit when the kids are born. I get it.

Now there is talk of some states want to ban birth control. So let me get this straight, women won't be able to try to prevent getting pregnant and once they do get pregnant, they can't get an abortion? So basically they are FORCING women to have kids even if they don't want any! Sure they can refuse to have sex but then some men will think they deserve to have sex and will rape women. What about women who are fucking abused by their partners? Kids should not be brought up in that kind of environment. Sometimes women don't have a choice with their abusers and can't leave them. Or they get pregnant right before they leave and can't afford to have it, don't have a stable place etc. Now they are forced to have it. What if the abused pregnant woman gets beat and loses the baby? Will the guy go to prison for killing it or would the woman if she didn't die from not being able to get the dead baby out? I guarantee the woman would get in trouble but not the guy. Hell even now it's hard to get a guy convicted when that happens. 

At this point women's rights are being taken away. Women fought so fucking hard to have rights and now they are being taken away again! We still don't have complete rights even before all of this. Some women still get paid less than men, they are looked at as less than, it's harder for them to be seen as an equal and to be able to do the same jobs as a man. Can you fucking believe that it's almost impossible for women to get their tubes tied if they don't want kids? Look it up, there are so many stories about it. They get told they are too young and might want kids in the future and sometimes they are told that they need their husbands permission before getting it done. I've even heard of a women needing to get permission from her EX to get it done. HER FUCKING EX!!! What the fucking hell?! If a guy was to get an operation done, he wouldn't have to jump through the same hoops. God I am so tired of not being an equal especially in 2022.

Because of Roe vs Wade, they can now go after other human right laws and what's to fucking stop them, NOTHING! I already talked about the birth control. But now they can go after same sex marriage again and mixed marriages. I am in a mixed marriage. I am Mexican American mix and my husband is white. This year will be 25 years of being together. So now our marriage can be in jeopardy all because some people think it's wrong. This devastates me. Hell one of the supreme court judges is in a mixed marriage, why in the hell would he put his marriage at risk like that? I would fucking divorce him if he went there. Right now this whole thing might not effect you but give it time, if things keep moving forward, there will be a law that will have your basic rights taken from you. There are so many other things that make these things dangerous, too many to list.

These fucking men in office want nothing but to control women and to make this place an all white Christian country and if you don't fall into the right categories that they call a fucking sin under there damn religion, then they will take your rights away and cast you aside. The few women in office are letting these controlling assholes continue and for some reason are following them right behind. They need to grow a pair and fight for their woman human rights. 

I don't care what religion you are, what political party you are or even if you are anti-abortion, you have those rights. Just don't make everyone else believe the same thing and fucking think everyone needs to follow the same beliefs. They don't care about us, they just care about their religion/beliefs, being superior and controlling especially over women.

1) If you are against abortion, don't fucking have one or be involved with someone who is pro choice (to make this clear, once a fetus is an actual baby inside, there shouldn't be any abortions except during an health emergency).

2) If you are against same sex marriage or any other LGTBQ+ rights, then do have one or be around around it.

3) If you are against mixed marriages, then don't have one.

4) If you don't believe in any kind of birth control, then don't use it or be with someone who does.

See a fucking pattern here? 

5) Whatever religion you believe in, DON'T press it unto others. DON'T make them follow the same beliefs. DON'T use your religion as an excuse for your bullshit hate. DON'T go after others just because you think they are committing a sin. LEAVE OTHERS ALONE! Your "sin" is NOT someone else's "sin".

6) It's not your damn business how others live their life (unless you know child molesters etc, that's a whole nother story) so stay out of it. Stay out of other people's bedroom and medical issues.


We need to vote these controlling assholes out of office and get someone in who actually cares about human rights instead of their own personal beliefs. 

Side note, sorry for all the cussing, I am really pissed.

Abortion/Women's Rights/Human Rights

  I really don't like blogging about sensitive subjects that much because it can get messy but I need to express my emotions, my voice o...