Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Week In California

Last week I took a trip to California but only for a week. It's been more than 10 years since I have been there but only about 4 since I've seen my parents and sister (that is still too long). I could only stay a week due to having responsibilities here at home. It wasn't long but it was still very nice to see my family.

I spent the first 2 1/2 days with my dad. The day I got there, I visited the mall I grew up going to. It was depressing. There were a lot of empty spaces and they remolded which makes it look more closed in. It's sadly dying. I have so many memories there. We then stopped at Round table pizza. I just HAD to have some. That pizza place is only in California which sucks because it's really good. 

The next day we spent the day in San Francisco. We went to this one place called Twin Peak. It's pretty amazing. It's basically an overlook where you can see the entire city 360*. Definitely worth going if ever in SF. Then we headed over to the Golden Gate Bridge to do all the areas around there. 

I couldn't walk the bridge because I am terrified of heights and bridges especially in SF with earthquakes. I did manage to walk up to the first tower though. After that, we went down to Fort Point which is below the bridge. I love it there especially when the waves hit the rocks. At one point the waves acted like dominoes when crashing on the rocks. There is this section of rocks that curve and the waves would start from one end crashing and work it's way around. It was so cool.

Then we drove across the bridge to Vista Point which is on the other side of the bridge. Then down to Baker Beach. This beach is right next to the bridge and it's pretty cool. The waves are a little bigger than what I have seen growing up going to other beaches. The only slight minus, the closer you get to the bridge, it becomes a nude beach. It doesn't really bother me unless someone is being creepy. I did take photos but they didn't come out like I was hoping. The bridge was often blurry in the background. It was kinda hard to concentrate because I was trying to not get my feet soaked (which didn't work out) and I was focusing on the rocks and water and forgot to look at the bridge to make sure it was in focus. I guess I need to re-visit there whenever I'm able to go back. 

While we were there, my dad and I did get hit with water washing up onto the beach unexpectedly. Our feet were soaked. Then I wanted to go around these boulders to try and get photos, I got hit all the way up to my butt. On the way back, it was scary because the waves wouldn't stop coming and my feet kept sinking. I was afraid the waves were going to drag me right out into it by an under toe or something, luckily I managed to get back around safely. 

After the beach, we went to the 'Full House' house. Unfortunately they were doing work on it so there was stuff in front but I still got a couple of quick shots. Then we headed to fisherman's warf and rode the cable cars. This was my first time. Well my dad said I rode one when I was a baby but I don't remember so it doesn't count. The line we stood in the first time was long and took forever but I still enjoyed it. It was a little freaky though but cool. By the time we rode the cable car back to the warf, we were exhausted and decided to head home. It was around 7pm by the time we headed back. What a long but fun day.

The next day my father and I went to the cemetery, a little shopping, saw one of my aunts and went to Alameda beach. It was a little cold so we didn't go far out into the water. The waves there are usually not too big, the sand is rough and there is a lot of sea weed but being there brought back memories and I had fun walk through knee high in the water.

The next day, my mom picked me up. We went to see her parents at the cemetery and drove by my aunt's old house which looked like they were not keeping it up the great. We then drove 2 hours to her house and pretty much chilled. The next day we were going to check out Folsom lake but I was too exhausted and she was getting over from being sick. We just just did a little shopping, I met some of her friends and put up little Halloween decorations. It was nice to just chill.

Friday I then flew south of CA to my sister's. That night we went to Downtown Disney because I wanted to see it and wanted to stop into a specific store. When I was a kid and went to Disneyland, I had some mouse ears but lost them when I looked over a balcony of our hotel. So I went into a store and bought myself mouse ears. It was pretty busy because it was the weekend and the Disney parks are doing a Halloween thing every night but it wasn't so bad that it was causing frustration. It did rain off and on which was a little annoying.

I also stopped at a kiosk and bought a couple of Disney pins. We went over to what they call the tiki bar but they were pretty busy. I did get to see some cool things in the bar though. Every time someone orders certain drinks, a little scene happens. While walking to the bar, we did pass the hotel that I stayed in when I was a kid and lost my ears. That brought back memories and cool to see the hotel again.

The next day we tried to go to Griffth planetarium but they were pretty busy. We went to this used book store that used to be an old bank and in one area of the store, books are in an old bank vault. The door is still on too. They even made a tunnel from "books" with little lights. It was a pretty cool place.

Then we went to the Grammy awards museum. It was smaller than I expected and thought they would have more stuff. It was very cool and interesting though especially the display case that had some of Michael Jackson's stuff in it including his white glove. See his clothes (and some other clothes of other people) made everything and the people even more real. I mean right there in front of me were clothes and the white glove MJ wore. When I saw the display, I want to break down and cry. It made his death more real. I grew up on his music and Motown so his death was/is very sad for me. I didn't cry though because I would have felt embarrassed.

We were going to go to a Wahlburgers to get but the nearest one was on a collage campus and there was an event going on which made parking $20! We were not about to pay $20 for parking to just go eat so we left. One day I will eat there. Wahlburgers is owned by Paul Wahlbuerg, Donnie and Mark Wahlberg. I also wanted to go to the abandoned zoo in Griffth park but the rain would ahve made it icky. I also wanted to go see Mj's grave but I wouldn't have been able to get in so I passed it up but next time I want to go when I am in that area.

We did go to a cemetery that is for the rich and a lot of famous people are buried at. It also tends to have peacocks walking around but that day they were in a cage. There were however several ferral cats roaming around which was weird and cool. We didn't stay too long simply because it would take a few days just to go through the place but it was still cool to see.

We didn't do much else except for eat out because they were still getting over a cold and felt kinda blah. Sunday, we did go to a couple of breweries and I tried some different beers. The second place, they ordered a couple of testing trays. I got a little buzzed. We also went to an ice cream place where my sister and I split an ice cream that was between two slices of a doughnut. It was really good but sugary. I finally headed to the airport to come home.

I had so much fun but also got worn out. I miss my family and wish I could see them more. Hopefully I can because going 4+ years without seeing them isn't good. I miss CA and the beaches. I wish I could invent the perfect place, the awesome nature of Colorado mixed with the beaches and cool things in California. 

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