Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Trump Impeachment/The Left, the Right, Extremist, Who Is Right?

There are two topics I try to stay away from, religion and politics. Those two topics are dangerous to get into and can get very heated. Every once in awhile though I want to express my thoughts on these subjects because things just keep bugging me. 

Where do I start, I guess with the impeachment. There are so many different opinions about this. Do I think Trump played a part in the storming of the capital? Yes. Should he and others be held for their part in it? Yes. Is Trump fully responsible? No. Aren't the people who stormed the capital responsible? Yes. There are so many layers to all of this.

Anytime a leader opens their mouth, they are responsible for what they say. If what they say happens to lead the followers to do something bad, that leader is partly responsible for it. A leader holds great power. People look up to them and in some way treat them like a God, it's just human nature and we all do it even towards celebrities. When that leader says jump, the followers say how high. The followers will listen to the person they admire and look up to no matter how crazy the leader may or may not be. Take a look at Hitler and cult leaders. Those people have said some crazy shit and yet they STILL had/have followers who react to what is being said. Now I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler or cult leaders, I'm just stating how much power any leader has over their followers.

People listen to what their leader says and will believe in what they say even if it's a bunch of lies or twisted truth. This why is any leader has to be careful what they and how they say things. Trump has ever right to believe the election was rigged, to be angry about it and try to fight it. He still should have been careful how he said things same with the other leader type people who stood up for Trump. Everyone knows that chaos can easily be created by what they say. Trump may not have actually said to storm the capital and hunt down those who opposed him to make them pay but what he did say during the rally was just as bad and might as well have said to go do all of that.

He knows how much power he has/had and that people will take him up on his word. Trump could have said his speech in a much better way that didn't sound like he wanted some kind of chaos. Because he and the few other leader type people that worked for him said their speeches the way they did, it caused people to feel like they need to take action and do something about it. That's when they said okay, lets go fight and stormed the capital, beating people up, breaking into the capital, killing people and trying to hunt down the people that opposed Trump. For some reason the people that did this lost all sense of humanity and respect for human life. So yes Trump and others were partly responsible for the storming of the capital and should be held accountable of inciting knowing full well that what they said would cause people to react badly. Also, Trump should have called in the national guard way earlier. Hell they should have been there in the beginning. 

With all of that being said, people are responsible for their own actions no matter what their leader says. They should have the common sense and humanity to not go do what was done. A police officer lost his freakin life trying to do his job because someone decided to use his anger and beat the cop to death. Cops are people too and should never have to go through something like that. It's disgusting that some people think that that kind of behavior is okay just because they are angry and hateful. The other people that lost their lives shouldn't have lost their lives either. Sometimes a leader might say something that is completely wrong and the followers have their own responsibility to say "hey that is too far" and make the choice to not participate. What they choose to do or not to do is their part of responsibility.

For years and years, people have always blamed the right or the left for things that are wrong in the world. During the past four years and the capital incident, it got worse. Now people are blaming different extremist groups. So who really is to blame? How about just people, people are to blame. We need to stop putting everyone into groups then blaming the groups as a whole. This never worked and never will. When are we going to learn this? White people put blame on other races and Jews for things, other races/nationalities blame others that are not them, we blame other people, religion, the far left, the far right but when are we going to realize we need to blame individuals?

By blaming a certain group of people of something only creates more separation, hate, anger and violence. We are going to destroy ourselves if we keep doing this. It's not the far right, the far left or extremist, it's individual people. There are both good and bad in every group (even in hate groups). Some are violent on all sides and some are not. We need to put our differences aside and work together to make this world better and stop blaming groups of people for everything. I think this angers me more than anything that I am talking about. There have been violent democrats, violent Trump supports but there are also good ones. We can have different beliefs without separating ourselves from our loved ones or others, we can think differently without putting blame on another group. We are so much smarter and better than this crap.

So when I ask the left, the right, extremist, who is right? I say no one group/side is right nor wrong. Individual people are right or wrong or even responsible or not responsible. Blame individual people, not groups. Hold any leader responsible for their role in what happens when given a speech and get people riled up. This is my opinion and thoughts on things.

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