Tuesday, July 13, 2021

I'm So Sorry...Is It Really Enough?

 We are constantly hearing those words, "I'm so sorry" from people after saying something wrong on social media or tv. If someone was a teen and said something wrong then years later realized they were wrong and apologizes, that's one thing. Young people may not truly get how wrong they are being and as they grow, they learn and change their thoughts. What is getting on my nerves is when adults who 100% know better say something very wrong then when they get called out on it, they say how sorry they are, they should know better etc etc.

I get that people make mistakes and sometimes at the heat of the moment, may something out of line but come on, this is getting out of hand. Adults are fully aware that words have power, they hurt and can cause harm to others. It's called think before you freakin' open your mouth! How can one not know that what they are saying is wrong if they are an adult? It isn't difficult to know if what you are about to say is disrespectful and hurtful. 

The newest thing I heard is about some news caster said something wrong about an Asian baseball player and how he doesn't speak English or doesn't speak it very well. How could he not know what he said was wrong before he said it? It's not brain surgery. Now he is saying sorry, he didn't know, since then he learned it was wrong, WTF? What is he, two? Yeah that is kind rude but it pisses me off that as an adult he had to learn this within a few days of saying something hateful that it was wrong? I have no remorse for people who speak hateful words especially when it is racists. As an adult, what is it that you still have to learn that you didn't learn in your earlier life that you don't say things like that?

Same with Christy Teigen. When she told someone they should kill themselves and other very disrespectful things. She was an adult when she said those nasty things to people, old enough to know better and to have learned already that you don't talk to people like that, yet she keeps saying sorry for things she has said and keeps coming up with "reasons". 

I'm not really on the cancel culture wagon but I think we need to start holding people accountable when they say harmful nasty things to or about others. We do live in a free speech country so I don't know how we could hold someone accountable for free speech. God am I already tired of the I'm sorry. It's gotten to the point where I don't believe most of the people who say it because I think most are just sorry they got caught and called out on it and they are trying to save their ass. 

I know this isn't going to stop but I need to vent about it because I am beyond tired of this kind of behavior from people who are old enough to know right from wrong. Saying sorry isn't enough for me anymore. People just need to think before they speak and watch what they say especially if you are in the public eye. 

Oh another person that just needs to stop is Wendy Williams. It seems like every time she opens her mouth it's something horrible against someone. She doesn't say sorry most of the time (which is fine by me)and she still has people following her. That is just as bad, that so many people think it's okay that she talks crap about other people. They are basically giving her the okay to continue to bad mouth others, so disgusting. 

What happened to respect and empathy for others? UGH

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